Workshop Facilitator Self-Nomination

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Join ACTFL's Team of Workshop Facilitators

Are you:

  • A language educator implementing effective practices in your instruction and assessment?
  • A language educator who has led professional learning (presentations or workshops), engaging peers to build on their strengths to become even more effective in their teaching?
  • A language educator ready to further develop your skills to plan and present workshops?

Apply to be an ACTFL Facilitator-in-Training (FIT)!

  • Examine the program to become an ACTFL workshop presenter
  • Review the criteria for selection and prepare your application.

Read below for more information on the self-nomination criteria and the steps to complete the program.

Criteria for Self-Nomination:

Items to SubmitEvidence of Quality (Meeting the Criteria)
Documentation of meeting minimum requirements
  • Curriculum vitae/Resume
  • List of up to ten presentations or workshops planned and implemented in the past five years (preferred)
  • Identification of areas/topics of experience/expertise
  • Any upcoming presentations in 2024 (local institution, conference, or webinar)
  • Teaching experiences (minimum of five years of teaching)
One recommendation letter

Identify someone who is able to comment on your skills as a workshop facilitator/presenter and who knows effective practices for teaching languages. The recommendation letter writer should explain and provide evidence of these qualities as demonstrated by the candidate:

  • Depth of background in effective strategies for instruction and assessment
  • Presentation style
  • Ability to respond to questions in workshop presentations
Respond to short answer prompts with examples from your own teaching practice and guidance for other educatorsEvidence of understanding ACTFL’s mission and ability to describe and implement ACTFL’s Guiding Principles
5-10 minute video from a real or mock presentationPresentation style and strategies for engagement. Candidates will submit a link to their video (YouTube, Vimeo, Dropbox, etc.)
Sign off by supervisor/employerRecognition of the time commitment. Supervisor/employer will fill out a template to indicate recognition of and agreement to provide candidate the minimum number of hours per month that may be required for each step of the process.

Program Steps

Step 1: Application, Selection, and Orientation

  • Candidate submits all required items (See Criteria for Self-Nomination)
  • ACTFL selects group of qualified candidates for interviews
  • ACTFL selects candidates to enter facilitator development process
  • ACTFL Staff hold a virtual synchronous orientation session for selected candidates

Step 2: Review & Shadow

Candidate will:

  • Review workshop documents and recordings
    • Attend Q&A sessions with workshop facilitators
    • Observe ACTFL facilitators in virtual workshops
    • Assist facilitators in small group tasks in workshops
    • Analyze and identify effectiveness of workshop content and tasks
    • ACTFL makes decision to invite candidate to Step 3

Step 3: Coaching with Mentors

  • Candidate attends 1:1 coaching/mentoring sessions with ACTFL facilitators
    • Candidate practices facilitating portions of workshops for immediate mentor feedback
    • Candidate engages in self-reflection based on feedback and prepares to serve as co-presenter in virtual workshops
    • ACTFL makes decision to invite apprentice to Step 4

Step 4: Co-Presenting

  • Co-present portions of ACTFL virtual workshops a minimum of three times
  • Receive specific 1:1 feedback on performance from lead ACTFL workshop facilitators
  • ACTFL makes decision to invite candidate to Step 5

Step 5: Webinar Presentation

  • Candidate and ACTFL staff plan a 60-90 minute webinar on a topic of candidate’s expertise
  • Candidate prepares outline and slide deck for ACTFL staff feedback and approval
  • ACTFL staff schedule webinar to be held for public registration
  • Candidate presents webinar and receives ACTFL staff and mentor feedback
  • ACTFL makes decision to invite candidate to Step 6

Step 6: Solo-Presenting

  • Present and record minimum of three ACTFL virtual workshops
  • Receive feedback from ACTFL mentor
  • ACTFL makes decision to invite apprentice to be an ACTFL Workshop Presenter

Workshop Presentations with Coaching

  • Present and record minimum of three ACTFL workshops
  • Receive feedback from ACTFL mentor
  • ACTFL makes decision to invite apprentice to be an ACTFL Workshop Presenter
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